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What Are the Most Popular Real-Time Operating Systems in 2024?

WHO ARE WE? Lynx Software Technologies has built and supported real-time operating systems (RTOSes) since 1988. We have witnessed hardware and embedded software technologies evolve and have supported our customers through the design, development,... Read More

Do You Need a Real-Time Operating System?

_______________ Do Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOSes) consistently provide the most effective platform for realizing your embedded software system design? Most RTOS vendors seem to think so, frequently citing RTOS benefits while rarely discussing... Read More

Embedded Best Practices at Arm Tech-con

_______________ Lynx participated in this year’s Arm TechCon with a booth in the expo hall, where we demoed Lynx MOSA.ic and its components — LynxSecure®, Buildroot Linux, LynxOS-178®, and Lynx Simple Applications (which are bare-metal apps). It was... Read More

How to Choose a Real-Time Operating System

_______________ Choosing an RTOS is not as simple as choosing a car. We know about cars; we know their strengths and weaknesses and we intuitively understand compromises like performance vs practicality or luxury vs price. We see all kinds of... Read More

What Are POSIX Processes and Virtual Memory?

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Realizing modern Automotive Software Environments

_______________ The complexity of today’s automobiles is increasing with every new model on the market. A modern car can contain hundreds of electronic control units and with connectivity and autonomy becoming commonplace, this is increasing... Read More

What is SR-IOV and Why is It Important for embedded devices?

Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) is the complex name for a technology beginning to find its way into embedded devices. SR-IOV is a hardware standard that allows a PCI Express device – typically a network interface card (NIC) – to present... Read More

Multi-core cache allocation technology (CAT) demo

_______________ This week saw LYNX’s cache partitioning feature for Lynx MOSA.ic™ demonstrated for the first time at the Collins Aerospace Embedded Computing Conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Cache partitioning is a new feature of Lynx MOSA.ic™... Read More

What is the Cost of a Board Support Package?

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Field Notes: Sept 2019 Face™ TIM

Last week I was able to spend several days at the Open Group Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) and consortium meetings. For those who are not familiar with either the Open Group or FACE™, the Open... Read More